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Power Transmission and Distribution Technology

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This program prepares individuals to work in the electrical power transmission and distribution industry, both public and private. People choosing this career, one of the most demanding, will be required to work out of doors in all kinds of weather and conditions. Coursework in electrical principles, safety, pole climbing, driver safety, high voltage transmission and distribution, and field work qualify the graduate to work in the numerous public and private power utilities around Oklahoma and the United States. Program graduates can expect to find employment in many segments of the power industry, normally start out in an apprenticeship program, and can expect to work up to a journeyman lineman position. Employment data indicates this will be a field with high demand for new employees.


Electrical power line installers and repairers are among Oklahoma’s Top 100 Critical Occupations with an average of 280 annual openings and median annual earnings of $62,358.40 with a high school diploma or equivalent. Industry partners prefer employees to have an associate degree with a CDL.
Occupation Profile for Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers | CareerOneStop

Degree Sheet(s)

Degree Sheet (PDF)Power Transmission and Distribution Technology A.A.S.

Degree Sheet (PDF)Power Transmission and Distribution Technology Certificate

Suggested Plan of Study

Suggested Plan of Study (PDF)Power Transmission and Distribution Technology A.A.S.

For more information contact:

Terry Clinefelter
Department Head, Construction Technologies
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Division
(405) 945-3362